About the Father

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is found in Luke 15:11-32.  These passages have been taught from many different perspectives and I love every one, but my favorite is the picture displayed of the Father in this story.

There’s the son that’s called the prodigal that took his inheritance early and went out into the world and squandered it in ways that were sinful and bad for him.  He left his Father’s home where he had everything he needed and wanted and chose as we might say, went out to sow his wild oats. I’m aging myself with that one. He ended up in a place where he was feeding the pigs and eating what the pigs ate.

Then there’s the other son, who stayed and kept working for his father when the younger son left. Unbeknownst to the father, he was angry and resentful because he did not know the heart of his father.  We’ll get back to him in a bit.

I’m obviously summarizing here, but my point is important. The father’s response to both of his son’s heart issues are so incredibly wonderful. Remember this is a picture of our FATHER.

The younger son gets tired of rolling around with the pigs, so he heads home. He decides that working for his dad is better than what he’s been doing. The story doesn’t speak of a broken heart that you would think he would have.  It speaks of regret that he left his dad’s house because of where he ends up. He heads home, hoping to get a job with his dad.  Instead he gets so much more.  He’s walking on the road home and before he ever reaches home, he sees his dad running toward him.  You have to picture this grown man in his long robes, picking them up and running toward his son.  He hugs and kisses him and welcomes him home as a son, not a hired worker. He tells his servants to kill the fatted calf, and prepare a feast because his son has come home.  He puts a ring on the son’s finger and a robe around his shoulders, treating him as royalty.  He was obviously watching for his son's return to see him coming down the road.  The father’s heart was to see his son restored to him.

I don’t know about you but my story is so much different than this one.  I hated being in trouble with my dad.  The fear I felt when I thought I might be in trouble was overwhelming, even terrorizing. But, when you see that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us and wants us it begins to heal the places wounded by a natural father.

The other son is basically offended that the dad could forgive his brother, and basically says, you’ve never done any of this for me, and I’ve been here serving you all this time.  Call him hurt or self righteous, it matters not.  The father says to him, everything I have has always been yours and still is.  

What I love about this story is the father’s forgiveness and love are available to both brothers.  He’s not mad, or walking around with hurt feelings.  He’s the picture of love, and how love treats sons and daughters. 


You Matter

