A Reflection for the New Year
We saw first hand the wonders that happen when you truly lay your burdens at the feet of the living King Jesus, not his cross.
He Stoops Down to Make Us Great
The truth that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him would have everlasting life is such an amazing thing. Words don’t do it justice.
Mary’s Response
We each have something to do on this earth, but it takes humility and agreement to accomplish those things.
You Matter
If you’re struggling to believe He is good, start with this, Jesus came to show you the Father. (John 14:9&10)
About the Father
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is found in Luke 15:11-32. These passages have been taught from many different perspectives … but my favorite is the picture displayed of the Father in this story.
More on Seeds
In Mark 4, the story of the parable of the sower and the seed contains the words “hear” or “listen” many times, which shows us how important words can be.
Loved and Free
The freedom that God offers is so amazing, when you really know that you are loved and your Abba has good things for you.