A Reflection for the New Year

So many things could be said about the year that has passed but one prevailing theme throughout was this— the Lord will provide, always. We saw first hand the wonders that happen when you truly lay your burdens at the feet of the living King Jesus, not his cross.

You might think that’s an odd point to make. You may even say well “laying things at the foot of the cross” is a metaphor, a beautiful song. While this is true, it is not the truth. The truth is, that point in time is passed. Jesus’ ministry on earth has been fulfilled, he descended and is now “ascended” sitting at the right hand of the Father, alive and well. We don’t take our anxieties to his cross anymore and say your will be done. We approach his throne and say Lord I know your will; your will is for me to be like you—alive, well, and prosperous in what I put my hands to. It’s just a tweak in the way we think and even approach life, but this tweak makes all the difference.

In one year, we encountered the love, grace, and mercy of the Lord in such radical ways that mine and Andrew’s lives will forever be marked by this revelation we finally accepted in 2022. So cheers to the passing of a great year; we shout for joy at an even better one now here!


He Stoops Down to Make Us Great